4th June
RBA Dress Code
Was driving past Lady Alice on Tuesday night and as I rounded the corner at bottom of Bow Road, I looked across to see who was playing. It was a League match, Lady Alice versus Wellington. As I continued on my may home I thought to myself, how refreshing it was to see the bright colours that the Wellington players displayed, so much more modern than the more traditional white and grey look. Further on as I drove past Ardgowan, again I see colour, this time its the smart new polo shirt of white and blue as worn by the Ardgowan players and I feel positive that maybe its not just me that wants to see the game of bowling dragged out the dark ages and to give its self a fashion makeover!
But then just as in life where there is an up, theres also a down just around the next corner! I received an email from John Freeburn with the subject being the wearing of colour shirts in RBA games. This mail advises that under RBA rules that no coloured shirts are to be worn and that anyone turning up to play in one would be sent to change or leave!
Now I am not blaming John Freeburn for this as he is just passing on the rules that have been in place for centuries, well maybe not centuries but decades anyway. What I am annoyed about is that those in charge at the RBA still insist on this greys (but not charcoal) and whites or else attitude. I understand that there has to be rules, but surely this particular one is long past its sell by date and should be changed to allow those who wish to appear in club coloured shirts to play in all RBA games, the sooner the better I say!
Now I know that there are many out there who will disagree with me and my views may not make me Mr Nice Guy in the realms of the next R.B.A. meeting, but there are plenty out there that will agree with me and sooner or later I am sure even the RBA will bring its self out of the past and allow a brigher future.
This article was written by Gary Bradley and in no way involves the committee or any other member of Gourock Park BC. I am just voicing my opinion on a subject that I am passionate about and that is trying to make the game more appealing to the non bowlers out there and to the youngsters who are put off playing bowling by our traditional dress.
7th June 2009
The SBA District Championships got underway today at various venues and Gourock Park had mixed fortunes in the prelim and first round stages. In the Singles Jim Crawford won his prelim game, but then lost by 21 v 8 to Sandy Wotherspoon at Gourock. Also playing at Gourock were our Triples, Alex Cunningham, Michael Stevenson & John Kane. They won their 1st game at a canter and then disposed of Kilmacolm in similar fashion to reach next weeks quarter-finals. The Pairs, John Ellis and Jimmy Bradley lost by just one shot in their prelim tie against Ardbeg, who forgot to stay behind and play their next game and so would have found themselves out of the competition by the time they stepped off the 2.30pm ferry home! The Gourock Park Seniors lost and last years Scottish Fours Champions, Joda, Eck, Rodger and Bruno safely made it through to the quarter-finals.Also through is John Reid in the Juniors.
Congratulations to Gourock Park's Stacy Lungley who has won the SBA Ladies District Junior Singles and secured her place at Ayr for the second year in a row. Stacy overcame another Gourock Park player, Louise Watt in a play off in the final match.
The Bremner Trophy
Six Rinks took part in this year's Bremner Mixed Rink game and it was won by Davy Bryne, Jean Gilles, Jessie Best and John Kane
John, Jean, Jessie and Davy
14th June 2009
The Nancy Rennie Trophy was played for yesterday at Gourock Park. This event is a triples made up with a Ladie at lead, a Junior and a Gent as Skip.and is played in a round robin format. The winners were Nan Hair, Kyle Ellis and Ian O Neil. The Runners up were
Isabel McFadzean, John Reid & Terry Duffy.
Winners Ian O Neil, Kyle Ellis & Nan Hair with Arthur Rennie and Andy Kearns
and below Terry Duffy, John Reid and Isabel McFadzean

Pictures by Hamish Ramsay
30th June 2009
While I was busy in Belfast and then preparing my report and loading photos from the British Isles Championships, several events have taken place that I have not been able to cover. On Saturday Lady Alice held its Blairs Junior Competition, Sunday was the RBA Finals and yesterday the West of Scotland District Finals took place. Off these events, I only know that Stephen McLellan won the RBA Junior Title and that Ardgowan's Alan Walker lost in the Singles.
Obviously I can not cover every event and do my best to report on as many as I can but its just not possible. I therefore appeal for more of you to take advantage of this sites very own Forum. Its the perfect place to share news,results and even pictures can be placed there. Its a forum for all to use!
The League scores that I know of from last week are on the Forum